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to help you grow, heal, and evolve!
Riding the Waves of Change
Step 1:
Download your copy of Riding the Waves of Change: Growing, Healing, and Evolving Through Times of Deep Uncertainty
Tip: You do not need to sign in or create an account on One Drive to download the file.
Tip: Give your system a few minutes to access the file (a beautiful 39-page eBook generates a large file). Then click on Download to download the PDF to your own computer.
Tip: For fastest results, use Chrome or Safari as your browser. If you use Firefox, you may need to give the file a minute or two before you attempt to download. If nothing happens, give the file a few more minutes.
Tip: Watching the file on OneDrive may give you an uneven viewing experience. If you are seeing blank pages, your system is still accessing the file.
If you have technical difficulties, contact us at using the link at the bottom of the page.
Step 2:
Beginning today, look for your follow-up emails. These emails were written to help you deepen your experience of the eBook, as well as provide a few relevant resources for you.
If you have any questions, please reach out or reply directly to the emails you will receive.
Welcome to a better path forward to Embrace Change!