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Riding the Waves of Change:
Growing, Healing, and Evolving Through Times of Deep Uncertainty
Personally and collectively we are facing relentless waves of change. As each new wave crashes upon us, there’s little time to recover before the next wave hits. It’s both exhausting and unsettling. It’s easy to get in the habit of resisting the changes that are impacting your life. Discover how to grow rather than wither, heal rather than fester, and evolve rather than stagnate.
50 Deep Self-Care Activities
for Those Navigating Change in Uncertain Times
Changes that are a normal part of life become more difficult when experienced against the backdrop of increased uncertainty. If you are going through any changes in your life, you will likely feel this increased sense of uncertainty even more acutely than those around you. Reconnect with yourself and your life when so much around you feels unsettled and uncertain.